Thursday, April 29, 2010

Problematic ITSE Standard 2

I think I have my PD plan as it relates to Standard 2 all wrong. I like different components of my goal. However, my goal isn't completely consistent with my long term and short term plan. Neither are completely consistent with the standard. Much of my plan is too vague.
In order to achieve better alignment among all strata, I much address my need to understand what assignments and strategies are age appropriate for my new students. (I begin teaching lower school students, for the first time, next fall.) I need to contact the media specialist and/or librarian to assess technology access and capabilities. I think developing units that integrate comprehensible input methods (a teaching method that I use) and technology fits better here. Then I can develop a wiki page for each. Assessment seems to be the most difficult component for each one of my plans for each one of the ITSE Standards. I need to think about methods through which I achieve success. How do I measure it and how do I modify it/them.
This has proven difficult for me. It seems, on the surface, sufficiently straight forward. However, moving all the pieces into the correct position and sequence are challenging.
Below is ITSE Standard 2 and my PD plan as it sits idle, waiting for direction and inspiration from the talented and capable hands of the 5513ers I have come to know and respect. Thank you for taking time to read this mess. Please comment. (with hatchet in hand is okay)

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes identified in the NETS S. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools to promote student learning and creativity.
b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
c. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies and abilities using digital tools and resources.
d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

Current Abilities: I use google maps and video clips to promote cultural and geographic knowledge. I use differentiated instruction strategies.
Need: To learn what is appropriate for elementary age students.
Goal: To produce video of culturally authentic subjects. To provide summative assessments.
Short Term Plan: Before the end of this summer, I will discuss my plan with native Spanish speaking friends.
Long Term Plan: I will produce one cultural authentic video using imovie.
Assessment: I will be successful when I have used the video to assess students. I will check to see the number of times I have assessed students in this way each quarter.


  1. I guess my first question would be how will you provide summative assessments. What will the goals and objectives be for the videos you are going to make? Also, can you be more specific on your differentiated instructional strategies: teacher led direct instruction, interactive instruction (brain storming, roll playing), indirect instruction (writing to inform, reading for meaning, logs or journaling), experiential learning (field trips, simulations), or instructional skills (demonstrations, leveled questions, explaining).

    Think about your purpose for the lesson and the instructional strategies you plan to use to teach the lesson and I think the rest will fall into place.

  2. I have a couple of questions.
    Are you creating the videos? Will the students be assessed formally or informally on the content of the video? Will there be multiple videos with different themes for the whole year?
    Your need could be- I need to create culturally authentic videos that meet the needs of an elementary foreign language classroom. The videos will be age appropriate and contain content that aligns with curriculum standards.
    Your short-term goal could include having a rough draft of a video idea to share with your friends.
    Your long-term goal should include a deadline for having the video(s) complete and assessing it or reflecting on it's quality and usefulness.
    Those are just some suggestions. You might start out really small, since this will be a new job with a new age group. Take baby steps. ;-)

  3. I think you are on the right track but need to be more specific in general. There are so many great ideas in this one that it is hard to see the direction you are wanting you go in. For instance your goal...I would leave out the part of summative assessements and just make your goal about producing the video. Making or having summative assessments I think could be a totally new goal. Be specific as you can and give yourself deadlines in your short and long term goals. Like by the end of the summer I will.... Or By December I will have found the materials I will use in my video and By Feb I will have someone critique it. I know sometimes it can be difficult to be so specific but make sure you are not leaving anything out. Even if it might seem silly that you are including it in this plan.

  4. Russell, we have excellent commenters in our class, right? Eventhough you gave me certainly helpful advice/comments during the class and on my blog, I could not do anything for you. I am so sorry. I am very happy to meet you, and it is my pleasure to be studying with you in this class. Gook luck you and your family, and your students.
